ARRL International Grid Chase: Jan. – Dec.

ARRL International Grid Chase – New Year’s Eve to Dec. 31
An event for all radio amateurs. Taking part is as simple as just getting on the air and making contacts: The objective of the year-long event is to work stations on any band (except 60 meters) in as many different Maidenhead grid squares as possible, and then upload your logs to ARRL’s Logbook of The World (LoTW). All contacts on all permitted Amateur Radio bands, except 60 meters, are eligible for award credit. This includes contest contacts. ARRL Grid Chase site.

Fox Hunts – 8/11 & 12

The PAARC Foxhunt is on SATURDAY August 11th at 10:00 AM – starting at Pottsgrove Middle School.
The Reading Radio Club Foxhunt is on SUNDAY August 12th (the next day) at 1:00 PM starting at the Pagoda on Mt. Penn.
Glenn, AB3TQ will be the fox for both hunts.  Even if you don’t have any equipment suitable for Foxhunting, just show up with your curiosity at either or both starting points. You will be given a thorough introduction to this Direction Finding Transmitter Locating activity. No Amateur License required for the hunters (you will not be Transmitting). Frequencies made available at the starting points.

RRC Hamfest – 8/4

8/4 Reading Radio Club Hamest (Reading, PA area) –  View event flyer: Location: Heritage Park, 992 Clematis St, Sinking Spring, PA. Opens at 8 AM, Vendors 7 AM; Auction at 12 Noon (for unsold items buyers wish to auction off). Cost: $5, ULS,U18 free; sellers $8. VE Testing*: 8:30 AM (free admission for VE Exam only; test fee applies). West on Rt 422 at Rt. 724, after one mile left on Park Ave (just past the Sunoco station on the right); Park Ave 0.3 miles to dead end, left onto Clematis St; 0.2 miles to the entrance to Heritage Park. Talk-In: 146.31+ (PL 131.8).

PAARC Fox Hunt – 7/28

Dori K3TES and I will be hosting the next PAARC foxhunt on July 28th at 10:00 am starting from the Pottsgrove Middle School, 1351 N. Hanover St. Hope to see the usual gang plus some new hunters! – Al, AG3T
(See the Fox Hunt web page for more info on transmitter hunts.)