8/4 Reading Radio Club Hamest (Reading, PA area) –  View event flyer: https://www.paarc.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/RRC-Hamfest-2018.pdf. Location: Heritage Park, 992 Clematis St, Sinking Spring, PA. Opens at 8 AM, Vendors 7 AM; Auction at 12 Noon (for unsold items buyers wish to auction off). Cost: $5, ULS,U18 free; sellers $8. VE Testing*: 8:30 AM (free admission for VE Exam only; test fee applies). West on Rt 422 at Rt. 724, after one mile left on Park Ave (just past the Sunoco station on the right); Park Ave 0.3 miles to dead end, left onto Clematis St; 0.2 miles to the entrance to Heritage Park. Talk-In: 146.31+ (PL 131.8).  http://www.readingradioclub.org