EPA Section DMR Net – Thursdays at 7:30 pm

From the ARRL EPA Section website: We’ve been having a lot of activity on the EPA Section DMR Brandmeister Talkgroup. If you have a Hotspot our Talkgroup is 31426. I try to monitor whenever I can. We’re going to try holding a net. Most people seem free on Thursday evenings, so we’ll meet at 7:30 PM. The purpose of the net is to discuss all things DMR. We’ll try to answer questions and provide information about DMR and even other Talkgroups you might find interesting. Everyone is welcome. If you have a radiogram you’d like to send, we’ll accept messages to be sent via the National Traffic System. This will be a low-key net stressing good fellowship between Hams active on DMR in Eastern Pennsylvania. Anyone from anywhere is welcome to join us. Possibly, once we’re established, we could have check-ins from virtually anywhere in the world!

Join us on Thursday evenings at 7:30 PM.


George Miller, W3GWM
EPA Section Manager

Digital Mobile Radio Webinar – Wed., July 29

To All EPA Hams:

The ARRL Eastern Pennsylvania Section will be hosting the next in our series of Webinars, “I’m On (or Almost On) DMR. So Now What?” on Wednesday, July 29th, 2020 at 7:30 PM. Mark Wheeler, KZ3MW, will be presenting this webinar on Zoom.

If you are interested in learning about Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) and are interested in learning more about this mode before investing in a radio or you’ve been using DMR for a while but would like to get some questions answered, this webinar is for you.

Please send an email to w3gwm@ arrl dot org to register. If you have any specific questions, send those too and we’ll try to get them answered.

73, George W3GWM
Eastern PA Section Manager

ARRL EPA Section logo

Aug. 7th Club Meeting on 2M repeater

Join us for the first Friday, August 7th club meeting on the air at 7:00 pm. The meeting will take place on the 2M repeater at 7:00 pm. Find us on 147.21 / 147.81 MHz  PL 131.8. 

We do not plan on meeting in person until sometime in the Fall or later. Also, Amateur Radio license test sessions are on hold through September at the earliest. 

Join us on the air at our various nets. Any licensed ham is welcome to check-in. See a listing of the nets at https://www.paarc.net/nets/.