The Reading Radio Club’s Fox committee will offer 2 indoor classes to help you hone your fox hunt (transmitter hunt) skills. If you have your own equipment, please bring it, but if not, they will have extra equipment available to teach hunting skills for the first 30 minutes or more, depending on questions. Then they will hide two micro foxes INSIDE the bldg.

The first class on January 27th will be a basic course teaching the antenna use, and how to read a radio to pinpoint the fox. The second class in February (date TBD) will be a more advanced class with two foxes also hidden. This will teach the antenna, 4MG offset, and other more advanced features of fox hunting.

If you listen to the RRC’s Friday net meetings, you know there have been a lot of times that transmitter hunting could be useful to find people, or transmitters that are causing problems.

First class:
27 January, 2019, 1300 hours (1pm) at the Ag center on County Welfare Road in Bern township. Thsi is the same building where RRC monthly meetings are held. Please consider attending. We will have at least 3 teachers there to answer questions and assist anyone in finding the indoor foxes.

For more info, contact Ron, Waszk K3RJW.