The Reading Radio Club will be holding a Hamfest live at Heritage Park in Sinking Spring (992 Clematis St.) on Saturday, August 8. The event will be open to hams selling equipment from 0700 local, and those who would be interested in buying equipment can arrive at 0800 local. Volunteer examiners will also be administering license exams for anyone who wants to get an amateur license or existing hams that want to move up to a higher-level license. Tickets are $5 for shoppers, $8 for sellers; no entry fee for people taking license exams, unlicensed spouses, or anyone under the age of 18. The usual $15 fee applies if you want to take an exam, but there is no further charge to enter the hamfest. Since so many in-person events have been canceled or switched to virtual, online venues, this will be a good way to enjoy an in-person amateur radio event again. Please remember to follow the necessary precautions that may be in place on the date of the hamfest, including any requirement for wearing a mask and social distancing. View the Facebook page for the latest information:  Visit their website:

They are offering an Amateur Radio license test session. You must pre-register for it. See this URL for more info: